Making an archive for humanity or smth................NO ALIENS

#043 new work thing story

Ok. new beans work story. Walked into work, clocked in, (human) boss told me to do whatever anyways I peep the storeroom and it’s turned into a hotel. boss walks over and gives me paper of things to do.
i have to go through this hotel inhahbtied by aliens and go to each door like actual roomservice, knock knock “roomservice~" and then get stuff from these like, THEY WEREN’T EVEN HOTEL ROOMS THEY WERE LIKE… I MEAN, closets??? apartments?? some had people (humans) there, and some were like aliens??! I have increasing no idea what the hell is happening

anyways, i find out that this is some kind of alien owned company ours was working with. and we actually have some concrete shit to bounce off. kinda cool, we’re working with them for a few weeks and honestly? kinda exciting. pretty fun, cool people, and guess what? we got some baseball fans. not only that, but one is a THE CHICKENS fan!!!!!!!! LETS GO THE CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!

only downside is that i now work as like cafe and also hoomservice lackey i am going to juice up my (very useful) resume.

any cool work stories from you guys? or like, okay. how many roles do you guys have, anyone who works for alien run companies(corps? idek man)?